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02/21/2020 11:00 PM

Shoreline Golf Society Presents Annual Awards

The Shoreline Golf Society handed out its annual awards for the 2019 season. Pictured are Mike Suozzi (Guilford), Bob Gworek (Clinton), Sue Bobbin (Guilford), Rafael Martinez (Cromwell), and Lyle Holberg (Madison). Missing from the photo are Dave Russo (Clinton), Matt Fleming (North Branford), and Bill Tuthill (Madison). Photo courtesy of Michael Dore

The Shoreline Golf Society (SGS) recently presented awards to some of its top performers from the 2019 season when the organization held its annual meeting. Sue Bobbin of Guilford was named the SGS’s women’s net champion for last year. Matt Fleming from North Branford was the club champion, while Clinton’s Bob Gworek earned the honor of senior champion. Lyle Holberg from Madison was the SGS’s season-long four-ball champion, and Cromwell’s Rafael Martinez won the Presidents Cup. Dave Russo of Clinton claimed the Founders Cup championship, Mike Suozzi of Guilford was the net stableford champion, and Madison’s Bill Tuthill was the SGS’s season-long match-play champion.

The SGS will open its 2020 season with its traditional red ball event at Shennecossett Golf Course in Groton on Tuesday, April 14. The season includes 33 events and will culminate with the four-ball championships at Fox Hopyard Golf Club in East Haddam on Oct. 11.

The SGS is a Connecticut State Golf Association/United States Golf Association member club that features approximately 100 players from the state. For info or to sign up, visit

Information courtesy of Michael Dore