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08/19/2021 12:01 AM

Clinton Art Society Places Focus on Hometown Art

Clnton Town Landing, watercolor, Paul Loescher

The Clinton Art Society (CAS) presents Artists Paint Clinton through Sunday, Oct. 31 at Andrews Memorial Town Hall, 54 East Main Street, Clinton.

Several area arts organizations have weekly sessions where artists can paint outdoors en plein air.

“Any day of the week, I have several locations I can paint with other artists,” says Paul Loescher, a Clinton resident and award-winning watercolorist. “Lyme Art Association has a group on Mondays. CT Shoreline Painters paint on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Madison Art Society has Wednesday Paint Outs. CAS on Thursdays and some Sundays. And River Valley Artists on Tuesdays. In addition, the CT Plein Air Painting Society (CPAPS) paints in multiple locations throughout the state over the course of the week.”

Over the course of the summer, each of these groups has had one or more Clinton “Paint Outs” at the Town Beach, Clinton Landing, Indian River, Eliot Preserve, Clinton Marina, and Adam Stanton House, among others. Clinton Art Society is presenting a culminating exhibition of paintings created by these groups at Clinton locations.

“While many of the paintings will be plein air, it was not required. Works with Clinton as the subject that are interpretative or use a reference photo are also part of the exhibit,” says CAS President and plein air painter Liz Egan.

A reception for the exhibition will take place Thursday, Sept. 2 from 5 to 7 p.m., as part of a kick-off of First Thursday activities that evening. Food and refreshments will be served. Awards for the Artists Paint Clinton exhibit will also be announced. Information about program dates for the Fall/Winter Art Critique program will also be available.

For more information, visit the CAS website for links to membership, email, and current and past exhibitions and demonstrations, or contact Egan at 860-304-7345.

CAS was founded in 1949 by a group of professional artists dedicated to the growth of the arts in Connecticut. CAS celebrates the arts through exhibition, education, and regional community partnerships.

Andrews Memorial Town Hall, gouache, Liz Egan
Clinton Town Beach, oil, Cindy Stevens
Clinton Train Station, watercolor, Bruce Lightly