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10/24/2019 12:01 AM

Nibbles: Zaro’s Bread and Pastry

I have to be fairly bored to read the supermarket tabloids front to back, but I do take a look so I know when the specials begin. Too many times I go to the market and realize that the deals don’t start until the next day or two.

When I read the Big Y advertisement recently, I got pretty excited when I noted that the supermarket featuring Zaro’s products. When I a take a train home from Grand Central Terminal in New York City, I haul home two loaves of rye bread and a dozen bagels from Zaro’s, and drag the bags to New Haven, then onto Shoreline East at Old Saybrook and into my car in the parking lot. So now I find that Big Y, at least near my house, carries Zaro’s bread and pastries. Maybe they carry Zaro’s bagels, too. I can only hope.

Zaro’s Bread and Pastry

Big Y Supermarkets