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04/12/2018 12:01 AM

Caesar Salad at Bridge Restaurant

The morning after my long drive to and from Pennsylvania, I slept until almost 9 a.m. For me, nine in the morning is like half the day shot.

I had three meetings that day, no leftovers in the fridge, and “homework” to finish before any of the meetings. I had scrambled egg and toast for breakfast and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch. (I don’t do this often, but I do like peanut butter, especially with strawberry preserves, and that’s what I actually craved.)

By the time I was ready to leave for the first meeting, I decided to stop at The Bridge Market in Groton for a Caesar salad I could eat between meetings. Unfortunately, there was no time between meetings, so I took it home at 9 p.m., famished, and ate it at the dining room table. It was a superb Caesar salad and I am sure it would have been even better four hours before the romaine had wilted. Maybe it was even better than the one I make at home.

-Lee White

The Bridge Market • 860-333-1692

118 Fort Hill Road, Groton, CT 06340